Monday, December 12, 2016

Reflection on Mission, Values & Engagement
  1. Given what you know about the topic so far, please reflect on the heritage and values of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in the context of your own values and belief system.
I think the main thing about the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur is hallmark number two. This is honoring the dignity and sacredness of each person. I feel as if that is made well know through out the whole school. Also in the beginning when we were learning about Sister Dorthy Stang, it seemed like she lived to fulfill that hallmark as well. I myself do not identify with any religion but I think values can be shared. I to like the see the dignity and sacredness of each and every person. The sisters worked to make sure everyone had the same chances as others and they worked to make sure equality was apart of the world.
2) What opportunities have you had so far at NDNU to develop relationships that honor the dignity or sacredness of each person? Why is this important?
The orientation week was where I was able to make relationships that allowed me to honor the dignity or sacredness of each person. This is very important because it allows you to truly appreciate people in your life. If it wasn’t for orientation week, I would have never of made the friends I had made. All the friends I am friends with now are the ones I hung out with during the orientation week. I didn’t lose any of these friends and I plan to never lose them. That another reason why it is important because it allows you to keep relationships longer and stronger. These people I made my friends, I plan to keep them friends for the rest of my life. Even though we will most likely be separated at some point of our lives, we will make it work. That is what friends do.
3) During your time as a member of the NDNU campus community so far, have you been challenged to assess your own ethical positions in any way? In what ways, if any, have these ethical considerations involved issues of justice or peace? In what ways, if any, have they caused you to change the way you think about your own future career choices?
I have not had to make a decision so far that has challenged my own ethical position. It has only been one semester, so it is bound to happen eventually. If anything being here as made me want to continue my career choice though. Learning biology made me realize how much I love science and how I want to continue with it. I still want to become a pharmacist and everyday I work more and more to make that possible for myself. I have had no issues with justice and peace, unless you count the 2016 presidential election.
4) Have you, in the context of any class this first semester, had opportunities to apply classroom learning to address community or social problems? If so, did this make your classroom learning more engaging? Please explain.
For Freshman Seminar we had the Call to Action Day where we helped 5th graders enjoy their marine biology experience. It helped me learn about the value of service. The day we spent at the Marine Biology Institute was a very educational one. I learned some things I didn't know before and even did some things I never did. Before this trip I didn't know much about the wildlife in the Bay, but know I do. This really shows how even as a young adult I still have so much to learn. The children also benefited from this day. You can tell they had a lot of fun learning new things about the area. It would be fun to work with that place again. I had a lot of fun and the kids did too. Its really cool how both adults and kids were learning new things at the same time. This made class time really engaging. I really feel like we helped those kids feel more confident about themselves and they helped see life as a bigger picture. 
5) How do you personally define diversity? What have you learned so far this semester about the challenges and rewards of embracing diversity as a gift? Is embracing diversity of value to the human community?
I define diversity as a different groups of people coming together. People of different races and beliefs just coming together and embracing that diversity. I love diversity. That is that main reason I chose this school. I saw how diverse it is. I hate places that don’t have any diversity because diversity is the future. Everyone is different and everyone hold beauty. Its sad that some people can’t see that beauty but it is there. Diversity always comes with rewards. You are rewarded we just experiencing new things and being exposed to beautiful people and cultures. The human community needs diversity, without it we will fail.
6) In what ways, if any, have you had opportunities so far this semester to build a sense of community with others? Who were the “others”? Were they students? Teachers? Mentors? Coaches? NDNU staff? Were they campus partners who you met through community engagement activities?
I have made really goo friends here at NDNU. The type of friends you have for the rest of your life. They are students. I feel like I have good relationships with all my instructors as well. Each and everyone one of them gave me something I will take with me for the rest of my life. I met my friends through orientation week. Without that week I feel like things would be really different and I wouldn’t have the friends I have now. Or i could have because they all ended up living on the same floor as me. My instructors I of course met through my classes and without them I wouldn’t be the student I am now.
7) Have you had opportunites this semester to develop spiritual or ethical leadership skills in working toward a more just society? What specifically were those skills? How do you see yourself applying those skills during the remainder of your four years at NDNU and/or during your life and career after college?

I have never been a spiritual person and I don’t plan on becoming one, but spirituality interests me a great deal. All religions are so beautiful and I love learning about them and seeing what they offer. Whether or not I have ethical leadership skills, I don’t really know. I don’t really see myself as a leader. Even so, I feel like college as help me be less antisocial and I will use that skill in my professional career. Being social is a great and very needed skill.
Student Performance Event
             I went to one soccer game. It was in the very beginning of the semester. I didn't see the whole game, but from what I saw it seemed pretty cool. Soccer isn't really my thing but its cool to see what other people enjoy to do. It is really interesting to see all the hard work people put into a thing like soccer. The sport takes a lot of time and dedication. Going to that game I was able to see that. They did really good and I believe they even won that game. The thing I remember the most was that a fight broke out as soon as I arrived to that soccer game. Our team managed to keep its cool while the other team just blew some little thing way out of proportion. This game made me really respect the soccer players. They have to do both school and sport. That is very hard on a person but they somehow  manage to do that. I myself would never be able to find a way to balance both school and a sport. I can barely balance school as it is. I wish I went to more soccer game but I am not really a sports person and I had a lot of biology homework this semester. I also i went to a theater event but to be honest with you I am really lazy and did not want to walk down to the theater because I would have to walk back up. For sure next semester though I will try to make it to one. Same with soccer. I want to try and do thing I do not usually do in college. Sports and theater are two thing I myself usually don't experience, but college is the time for trying new things. I also respect theater people. They too work really hard and have so much passion for what they do. I wish I had the talent to do what they do. Well if I should have more of a growth mindset and say, "I don't have that talent YET." 

Student Life Activity

            I went to a mug decorating student life activity near the beginning of the year. This experience helped me gain the good friends I have now. We all still have our mugs. I do not think they are safe to drink out of though. So basically you get a white mug of your choice. After that you pick two colors of nail polish. There is a huge container of water and you for the nail polish into the water that is in that container. Now you have to be quick and make a design with a tooth pick. If you do it to slow the nail polish can actually dry in the water. So after you make the design and mix it up, you dip the cup in the nail polished water and rotate it however you want till it looks the way you want it to look. The color I chose were red and gold. Now the cup is in my room and put spare change that I use for the vending machine in it. Overtime I go to get change to get a bag of Chili Lime Hot Cheetos and I think of that day. Thats when me and my friends got closer. It was the first school event that we actually chose to go to, so I feel like with out that moment things would be different with all our relationships. I would recommend this event to other students. It was really fun and it was a great for making friends. I also have a pretty cup that I am afraid to drink form but it is really good for holding that vending machine change.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Social Justice Speaker Series

                  After 14 years on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, a termed-out Rose Jacobs Gibson stepped down. She left knowing she has done all she can and will continue to help in other ways. Rose Jacobs-Gibson’s approach to leadership reflect one or more of the values expressed in the Hallmarks. I think the Hallmark she mostly related to was Hallmark 4, which states, "We commit ourselves to community service." For what she said during her speech it seemed like the well being of the community was her main goal. She just wants the community that she knows is good and full of good people to be safe and be the very best it can be. She also seemed to relate with Hallmark 3, which states, "We educate for an act on behalf of justice and peace in the world." She really seemed like justice for the community was her main thing and that people should be aware of any injustice that is occurring within a community. Because you can't fix a problem if you don't even know what the problem that needs the fixing is. Her topic itself was even social justice. She has always had a part in the community, even when her job in the county ended she began to do work still. She continues to help San Mateo and make people aware of what is happening in the county and what is happening to the county's citizens.

                  Her values are something to aspire to become. Not a lot of people think like Rose Jacobs Gibson. Wanting to make change is different than action. A lot of people tend to do the want but don't take the action to fulfill that want. Not Rose Jacobs Gibson. She fights and fights and does what she loves. Which is help the community. She is a leader. I myself am not really a leader type person. Im one of those people that tend to want but can't do. Like I said its hard to be the type of person that takes action in something. I hope one day I can be as passionate about something as she is with what she does.

                 Rose Jacobs Gibson is an amazing woman. She always seems to think about the people and whether or not the people are being treated and given the things they need or deserve. That is such an amazing thing to do. Now days it is really hard to find people like that. People who truly care about people. I myself am not a people person but I wouldn't say I don't care. I just don't share her ability of being the type of person that is good with people. Her speech was also amazing and something I could never do. It takes a lot of guts to get up infant of people and talk. It probably really helped that she was taking about something she loved.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Freshman Research Conference
I learned a lot from this research project. It helped me learn the do's and don'ts of cooperative learning. Our class did really good because we all worked together to make it. Also learning about cooperative learning aided our efforts. We were able to successfully do cooperative learning since we knew the do's and don'ts. It was also a great experience because we got to hear from the other peers in different seminars. The presentation about the survivors and heroes of the Holocaust was very interesting. World War II is something I've always found interesting to learn. Also the presentation about how to be happy through high self efficacy and high self esteem. Self efficacy has to do with the belief of ones ability and self esteem confidence in ones self. All the presentation were really good. Im really glad we got to do this because we were able to have a sneak peek of what all the classes are doing and learning. It was a very interesting experience.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Call to Action Day, October 11

Call to Action Day was a very important day. It helped me learn about the value of service. The day we spent at the Marine Biology Institute was a very educational one. I learned some things I didn't know before and even did some things I never did before. Before this trip I didn't know much about the wildlife in the Bay, but know I do. This really shows how even as a young adult I still have so much to learn. The children also benefited from this day. You can tell they had a lot of fun learning new things about the area. It would be fun to work with that place again. I had a lot of fun and the kids did too. Its really cool how both adults and kids were learning new things at the same time. This second activity (which is the main on with the kids) with them was way better than the first (when the lady came to speak) and like I said it would be fun to do this again. I myself am not a huge fan of kids but I really did enjoy this experience. It was very different than what i expected to happen. The kids were great and lovely. All of them their own personalities and so much individuality at such a young age. I don't even remember how I was like in 5th grade. It feels like such a long time ago and it was great to see how these kids did things and how much they enjoyed learning.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

I have a fixed mindset about writing essays. I can promote a growth mindset by not putting myself down and knowing that eventually with hard work I can get better.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

My Hallmark...
We embrace the gift of diversity.

Diversity is the main reason I chose NDNU.
~~~~~~~Angelina R Hernandez

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

My Opinion of Orientation Week...

Personally I enjoyed orientation week. It gave us a chance to settle in and get to know the school. Also without it I wouldn't have made the friends I made during that time. The Hallmark that would match this is, "We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve."
During Orientation we created this community with people we will work with and who we now serve. I really enjoyed the orientation week because I made a lot of friends. They seem like the friends you have for the rest of your life. I hope we stay friends for all the time we all spend at Notre Dame de Namur University.

~~~~~~~~ Angelina Rose Hernandez
