Monday, December 12, 2016

Student Performance Event
             I went to one soccer game. It was in the very beginning of the semester. I didn't see the whole game, but from what I saw it seemed pretty cool. Soccer isn't really my thing but its cool to see what other people enjoy to do. It is really interesting to see all the hard work people put into a thing like soccer. The sport takes a lot of time and dedication. Going to that game I was able to see that. They did really good and I believe they even won that game. The thing I remember the most was that a fight broke out as soon as I arrived to that soccer game. Our team managed to keep its cool while the other team just blew some little thing way out of proportion. This game made me really respect the soccer players. They have to do both school and sport. That is very hard on a person but they somehow  manage to do that. I myself would never be able to find a way to balance both school and a sport. I can barely balance school as it is. I wish I went to more soccer game but I am not really a sports person and I had a lot of biology homework this semester. I also i went to a theater event but to be honest with you I am really lazy and did not want to walk down to the theater because I would have to walk back up. For sure next semester though I will try to make it to one. Same with soccer. I want to try and do thing I do not usually do in college. Sports and theater are two thing I myself usually don't experience, but college is the time for trying new things. I also respect theater people. They too work really hard and have so much passion for what they do. I wish I had the talent to do what they do. Well if I should have more of a growth mindset and say, "I don't have that talent YET." 

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