Monday, November 21, 2016

Social Justice Speaker Series

                  After 14 years on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, a termed-out Rose Jacobs Gibson stepped down. She left knowing she has done all she can and will continue to help in other ways. Rose Jacobs-Gibson’s approach to leadership reflect one or more of the values expressed in the Hallmarks. I think the Hallmark she mostly related to was Hallmark 4, which states, "We commit ourselves to community service." For what she said during her speech it seemed like the well being of the community was her main goal. She just wants the community that she knows is good and full of good people to be safe and be the very best it can be. She also seemed to relate with Hallmark 3, which states, "We educate for an act on behalf of justice and peace in the world." She really seemed like justice for the community was her main thing and that people should be aware of any injustice that is occurring within a community. Because you can't fix a problem if you don't even know what the problem that needs the fixing is. Her topic itself was even social justice. She has always had a part in the community, even when her job in the county ended she began to do work still. She continues to help San Mateo and make people aware of what is happening in the county and what is happening to the county's citizens.

                  Her values are something to aspire to become. Not a lot of people think like Rose Jacobs Gibson. Wanting to make change is different than action. A lot of people tend to do the want but don't take the action to fulfill that want. Not Rose Jacobs Gibson. She fights and fights and does what she loves. Which is help the community. She is a leader. I myself am not really a leader type person. Im one of those people that tend to want but can't do. Like I said its hard to be the type of person that takes action in something. I hope one day I can be as passionate about something as she is with what she does.

                 Rose Jacobs Gibson is an amazing woman. She always seems to think about the people and whether or not the people are being treated and given the things they need or deserve. That is such an amazing thing to do. Now days it is really hard to find people like that. People who truly care about people. I myself am not a people person but I wouldn't say I don't care. I just don't share her ability of being the type of person that is good with people. Her speech was also amazing and something I could never do. It takes a lot of guts to get up infant of people and talk. It probably really helped that she was taking about something she loved.


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